What's on the Ballot and What it means:

Every piece of the ballot matters and your voice in making these decisions will ensure that our leadership listens to all Alaskans. Voting is your superpower, use it.


There are currently 7 people on the ballot for President of the United States.

The President is the chief executive of the country, possessing many powers including signing bills into law, vetoing legislation, appointing federal judges and executive department heads, issue executive orders, and conducting foreign policy.


There are currently 3 people on the ballot for one of the Federal Senator positions for Alaska.

Senators are responsible for writing and passing legislation, approving presidential appointments, and ratifying treaties with foreign countries. Whoever we elect could make the decisions for the next Supreme Court Justice.

House of Representatives aka Congress:

There are currently 2 people on the ballot to be our next Representative.

Representatives begin the legislation process, offer amendments, and serve on committees.

Alaska State Senate and Alaska State House:

There are multiple candidates across the state who are running to represent you in the state senate and house. Each District has one state senator and one state house member to represent your area. 

State Senators and Representatives work at the state level to consider and pass legislation that will set laws for our state, determine the state budget for education, public safety, transportation, and much more. 

Alaska Supreme Court Justice:

Currently, we have the opportunity to retain one Supreme court Justice. The decisions of the Alaska Supreme Court are binding on all other Alaska state courts, and the only court its decisions may be appealed to is the Supreme Court of the United States. 

Alaska Court of Appeals:

The court of appeals has jurisdiction to hear appeals from judgments in criminal cases and certain other quasi-criminal cases in which a minor is accused of committing a crime, cases in which prisoners are challenging the legality of their confinement, and cases involving probation and parole decisions. Appointed judges must be approved by the voters on a nonpartisan ballot at the first statewide general election held more than three years after appointment. 

Superior Courts:

The Alaska superior courts are the trial courts of general jurisdiction. The court hears appeals from the district court.

District Courts:

The Alaska district courts are lower trial courts that can hear misdemeanor criminal cases and civil cases where the amount in controversy is less than $100,000. They have historically been Alaska's busiest courts. District court judges also issue arrest warrants and search warrants and handle arraignments, and may also serve as coroners, hold inquests, and record vital statistics.

Ballot Measures:

Ballot measures are direct democracy. There are 2 ballot measures on your ballot this fall both are proposed legislation to be approved or rejected by you!

Ballot measure 1:
This proposal would increase taxes on at least three oil production fields—Alpine, Kuparuk, and Prudhoe Bay—in the North Slope. 

Ballot measure 2:
The proposal would make Alaska the first state to adopt top-four primaries for state executive, state legislative, and congressional offices, and the second state to use ranked-choice voting for some federal and state offices.